About Me



Geeky Stuff Tech/Web


I’m guess I”m pretty wired. I’m probably the most wired person I know. So I’m probably the most wired person you know cuz I have over 200 friends on facebook (and I know at least 10 of them in real life). Yeah whatever, I guess you could say I’m pretty popular. Being wired means being connected to a something bigger and better, someone who knows everything the world has to offer like Wikipedia. What? Wikipedia isn’t one person? Whatever. The…

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Geeky Stuff

Nominated for Wired Sexy Geek of 2007. But why so sad?

Behind my subtle smirk, and black bikini that matches my silver classic 80 iPod, there is a sad sad girl. Why am i so sad? Because although I’ve been nominated for the Wired Sexy Geek of 2007 (thanks Ry and Tom), no one is voting for me. In fact, 2 people have given me two thumbs down. That hurts guys. Well, it’s really your loss as i was planning on sending each of my supporters a copy of: 1. my…

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Night Lights, Sweet Treats

13 second exposure of double decker bus as it passes in front of the entrance to the Abbey Gardens in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, UK. I was without a tripod so I propped up my camera on a biscuit tin and two packets of chocolate Poppets and fired the shoot from a remote trigger. crafty I am! Below are all the lovely British snacks i got to know and love during my stay in Bury at the Angel. except for…

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Best of Mostly Lisa 2007

Mostly Modeling and Acting: 1. Mostly Model Interview: 3 Things You Love About Modeling 2. The Long, Agonizing Wait for an Audition 3. The On-set Experience Adventures in England: 1. Brief Fondling of the iPhone in the LDN Apple Store 2. Being Super Popular with Brits 3. Tom, Darren, Phil and I take on the Scariest Rollercoaster Ever at Alton Towers. 4. Locked in a Telephone Box. Help!!! Mostly Nerdy Adventure and Excitement: 1. Mostly Lisa takes on Tom “mega-successful”…

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The Perfect Accomplishment

Running your first marathon. Finishing your undergraduate degree. Saving an endangered species from extinction. All these things are considered an accomplishment. But let’s be honest, these accomplishments leave you feeling completely spent. I mean after running, however long a marathon is, i’m guessing a really long way, like more than 100 Starbucks stretched end to end, you’re all sweaty and thirsty and blistered in places. And at four years a pop and a hefty student loan, completing an undergraduate degree…

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