Ahh the Wired Magazine’s Sexiest Geek of 2007… a super legit contest where girls are judged on their fan-written, incomplete bios, and how hot they look in a single photograph (preferably a photograph of the sexy geek in lingerie or swimwear)… it really is the stuff of internet dreams. Ever since I was nominated as a sexy geek, I have received serious criticism for being yet another cute girl trying to increase her blogging stats by writing about geeky or…
Always wondered what an actress thinks about before an audition? Here’s a brief, but poignant look inside an A&W commercial audition with Mostly Lisa. If you haven’t seen Peep Show, this video might seem strange. If you have seen Peep Show, this video also might seem strange. It’s basically a win win.…
Here’s a fun game I started last year just to amuse myself. I’d really like you to amuse yourself too. Wait. That came out wrong. Erg! Just play the game ok? Are You an Über-Geek? NB. You must OWN the following items featuring the above Marvel-ous Superheroes (and one DC dude) in order to add points to your score. +10 points for every DVD you own. +15 points for every DVD you purchased even though you disliked the movie, but…
I just sorted all my photo, video, computer and AV gear. These are the casualties. Some are totally dunzo, others still have a bit of juice left, and some are functional, just completely obsolete. So I really had to be really brutal in getting rid of things that I no longer need or use on a regular basis. I kept at least one of every cable cuz you never know when you are gonna need a rare or random cable.…
Ok, so you know how last week I said that I was spending way too much time joining, profiling, friending, surfing and searching for lost passwords on the plethora of buzzing social nets on the www? And how I was gonna start to take control of my iLife by chucking out the social nets I didn’t think were useful/cool/interesting/informative and committing my time to more useful pursuits? Yeah. Well. After one week I have been about thiiiis successful: AKA: Not.…
Photos of this beautiful hanging glass design element was taken in the entrance way of the Fairmont hotel at the Vancouver airport with my Canon Xti and f1.4 50mm lens.…
I just received an email from Sébastien Petain, the editor in chief of BH Mag.FR, the website that published this article, directing readers to vote for Wired’s sexiest geek. The article included a photo of myself and iJustine as an example of the contest’s cliché geekettes. I was a bit chuffed when I read this and wrote a bit of a ranty post aboot it. But, apparently I got it all wrong. Sébastien writes: We are not saying that YOU…