That’s me. Lying on the cold cold ground in the early AM photographing a pair of running shoes. There are no lengths I will go to to take a great photo. Good thing I am wearing my big, fluffy Canadian parka, as it is taking ages to get the flashes to sync because my cheapo Gadget Infinity wireless triggers keep misfiring! Arg! If you are a recreational photographer or if you are like me and you just started your own…
I just upgraded the comments section to reflect the uberness of you and your fabu comments. Just because I love you that much. What do you think about the new design? Likey? No likey?…
I was overwhelmed at the number of tabloids aka “celebrity” magazines in Tescos. Yet not one single copy of Wired could be found on their shelves. Lame. I also noticed the number of young girls on buses and trains reading this pappo-trash (I just made up this word. I think it’s kinda neat.) Anyway, I have a strong policy against reading pappo-trash. The day Britters shaved her head, I said good bye to pink, tmz, intouch, instyle, rag o’…
Mostly Lisa & Machester United from Lisa Bettany on Vimeo. I was a die hard football fan when I was 15. I loved Manchester United, and Team Brasil. Enough to name my lil grey tabby cat, Romario. (He had excellent ball handling skills for a cat). That summer, I bought myself some serious umbro gear and headed to soccer camp. I will admit that my enthusiasm for the sport may have had a teeny weeny bit to do with the…
It was a beautiful sunny day for the Bury St. Edmunds Saturday Market. And I was giddy like an English school girl when I found these hats amongst all the fruit and veg. Monkey! A sacred animal in British folklore, astrology, and politics, the monkey is considered “a right lovely beast” by loads of British folks. Look at those baby blues. You could melt any heart with this one-of-a-kind Chaton Chapeau. This Aslan the Lion hat is…
Best thing about England so far. Mmm. Think I ordered enough? Yeah. Should hold me off till dinner. PS. you can see in the bottom left corner that I’ve already spilt maple syrup all over the bed. Wouldn’t really be Canadian if I didn’t do something a little crazy with maple syrup. PPS. It’s foggy and cold. Typical. Independent Thought: The best vacation deals are not necessarily the ones that have luxury flights. Take a heavenly cruise. Even a car…
Well, I’m off to England tomorrow for 8 days. I will be flying via Heathrow, London on British Airways. I am actually looking forward to the flight. 8.5 hours goes by in a snap with all-you-can-watch-movie touch screen display! I will be blogging whilst abroad, so stay tuned. You never know what kinds of tricksy things I will get up to in Jolly England. Maybe I’ll finally find Hogwarts, or get locked in a telephone box, get attacked by…
My beloved friend, Felix the Cat, passed away yesterday morning. He was 14 and had a very good life. Felix liked sleeping on clean white sheets, eating expensive cat food, dipping his paws in milk, licking up the sugary milk at the bottom of my nighttime cereal bowl, attacking moths, running in the backyard, watching tennis and nature shows about woodland animals, and chasing string, red yarn, and thin twigs. I will miss Mr. Felix. He was a very…
Sometimes it’s really hard to sum up your emotions towards someone on a card. And with the range of emoticons increasing every day, you may find yourself unable to define the complexity of your feelings of love with :razz: :lol: :cry: :wink: In anticipation of Valentine’s day, I took out my sketch pad to draw some loving illustrations to help inspire you to make your own “hey, i just love you rotten” cards for your special someone or perhaps someone…