About Me



Geeky Stuff Photography

Upload and Organize Flickr Photos Fast with Photonic!

In the last year, I have been on a quest to find an application that will allow me to upload and organize my flickr photos from my desktop. I’ll be honest, I hate the navigation and homepage on Flickr. I just don’t vibe with the work flow. It’s just not instinctive to me and I find myself constantly backtracking and fiddling with tags and sets and clicking on avatars and drop down menus… Uh. Enough! Today, my quest finally ended…

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Geeky Stuff

The First Annual Mostly Lisa Illustrator Vectorama

Last week RBeezy challenged me to an Illustrator-Off. Being an ultra competitive person and an “expert” at all things Adobe, I am taking up this challenge with a fiery passion that feels like a cross between heartburn and sea sickness. No one said that creativity felt good. And without further ceremony, I present my entry into the challenge: I know. It’s powerful. You definitely got your work cut out for you. If you think you can produce an Illustrator design…

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Where I Live

Kitsilano Beach, Vancouver, BC, right before sunset. Taken with my Canon Xti (400D). PS. Just watched “That Mitchell and Webb Look” and had to stop the DVD after one show because my stomach hurt so much from laughing. So ace.…

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Please help me pick an audition scene.

I’ve got a big audition next week with Vancity’s finest casting agents and I have to pick one scene from a film or tv show to wow (approximately 2 mins long). That’s all I get. 2 minutes to showcase all my acting abilities and “other” talents. How am I gonna fit my flaming baton routine and my rendition of the Star Wars theme on the nose flute in 2 minutes? Maybe I should cut out my Wookie call… That would…

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Friday Night Croissant Picture

Photo taken with my Canon Xti using natural light diffused through a curtain at The Angel Hotel in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, UK.   What says “Friday night” more than a picture of a croissant? Not much. What does “croissant” mean to you? And why? Feel free to comment on this any any other croissant/or baked goods related topic. I, myself, will ponder this question whilst I commence my bi-yearly Ridley Scott marathon: Alien Blade Runner Gladiator Black Hawk Down…

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Featured Geeky Stuff

Illustrator 101 Tutorial: Make Your Own Cartoons

Step 1: Choose a shape. I like circles. Do you? You probably do cuz most people do. So this is a good tool to start with. It’s kind of tricky to find the circle tool, cuz it’s hiding under the picture of a rectangle, but don’t let that fool you. It is actually there. Step 2: Pick lively colours for your circles. There are a lot of colours. Choosing them is hard. So it might take you some time to…

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Geeky Stuff


  I thought that the latest OSX update, 10.5.2 would fix my whoas with Leopard. Not. so. much. Safari, iChat, iMovie crashes are still plentiful, as well as complete system hangs. And yesterday my Mac Pro woke up from an hour long sleep with this lovely multilingual message plastered on it’s screen:     Now granted I push my Macs to the brink with all the media stuff I’ve got constantly churning away, but seriously, if Safari crashes one more…

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