Did you know that you can control the in & out point of a song in iTunes? Well you can. You can start a song 18 seconds in and skip a super lame intro. Here’s how. Pretty useful tip, don’t you think? If you already knew this then I crown you King Smarty Pants. We all bow in your honour. Digg or this post if you find it useful. Click on the share button below and digg away!…
Playing fetch with dog at Jericho Beach Park. Feeding Ducks at Jericho Beach Park. Ultimate Frisbee game at Hastings Mill Park (Vancouver city scape in the background). Young family watch the sunset on English Bay.…
Something was clearly lost in translation on the packaging of this dollar store toy aptly named: “Naughty Real Music”. Is real music more naughty than fake music? Hmm. Also confusing was the spunky rabbit on the front telling me about the naughty real instrument. “Guitar plays real music,” he said with great enthusiasm. You can’t trick me rabbit. This is a saxamaphone! And let me tell you this, my neighbours were so thrilled with the naughty music that came…
Oh boy, the Vectorama contest heating up. I must say it’s the most inspirational fun time i’ve had in some time. I’ve got a sweet Viking themed video to announce the winner tomorrow. I’m just gonna give you peeps a little more time to break some of the ties. Remember to vote if you haven’t. In other news, I did not go to SxSW. I stayed at home and had a private dance party with my iTunes hallucinogenic visualizer and…
Currently sorting through all the wikkid Vectorama entries listening to MJ’s “History”. It’s actually kind of awesome. He may be one crazy dude, but damn, was he ever funky. “Don’t stop til you get enough.” Does anyone know the “Thriller” dance? That’s something worth putting your time into. Sorry for the delay in getting the entries up, but I had a wee bit of a late start today and actually had to do some work. Lame. And then there…
I’ve already received some uber design entries for the First Annual Mostly Lisa Illustrator Vectorama Contest. In fact, I’ve almost snorted milk out of my nose because of one of the entries. But I have to admit, nothing really holds a candle to my 5 legged spider. Oh he’s cunning that one. Well, he really has to be, with only 5 legs to scuttle aboot. So get you’re act together! Open Illustrator and get your Adobe-on. You have until Sunday,…
If the iPhone Software has a roadmap, why can’t it find Canada? We’re like the second biggest country in the world. Lo-5, Mostly Lisa PS. The Green Arrow is Vancouver, where I am. Feel free to send the first Canadian iPhone there. Much Love.…
Opera T-shirt provided by Startup Schwag. Captions for these photo are welcome. PS. I already thought of “Horny for Opera”…