I’m pretty sure this is the proudest moment of my life, only second to tha bikini photo shoot I did on the muddy banks of a duck pond on a rainy day in mid-November, 2003. Yes, it’s true. G4 has ranked me #5 in a list of the hottest women of the web (or on it, literally naked). I even beat Audrina Partridge from the Hills, and she’s rawkin’ all kinds of nekkid. Unfortunately, my viking hat picture was not…
Check out my interview on the lovely blog of Miss604. I talk a lot about myself in it. So basically it’s pretty awesome. If you like me. Do you? Alright I’m off to a modeling audition. I think I’ll spend part of my time modeling and the rest of my time next to you. Let’s all go watch the Flight of the Conchord skit.…
Lately, i’ve become aware that i don’t actually think for myself anymore. Why think when the internet can do it so much better? Can’t spell something? Google it or rely on the dotted red line. (If you right click on the word, it actually tells you the correct spelling. Magic!) Don’t know the definition of the word you can’t spell? Just add “define: wordican’tspell” and Google will tell you. I can use my ultra-portable Speak and Spell when I’m on…
Here is my official ColorWars Ro Sham Bo throw for Team VeryGreen. It was a tough call, going with team verygreen. I’ll admit I was quite tempted by iJustine’s #ff1cae team if only because of her 2.0 egg making skillz. And at the last minute, Sarah Meyers pulled out a very nice color out of her hat with the Sky Blue team. But in the end I only had one clean shirt, and this was it! Plus, I finally found…
You know I wouldn’t leave you hanging with out some super special Mostly Lisa holiday cards for Easter, as I know how much you l0v3d my Valentime’s ones. So break out the mini eggs and share these cards with your loved ones or people you don’t even know. For that acerbic consumer electronics employee who thinks he is the shizznizz, yet cannot tell a firewire cable from a usb one, and will inevitably lead you down every aisle in the…
Live streaming technology just got a whole lot cooler with Qik and Kevin Rose’s N95. Qik, in alpha, allows people to live stream from their phone and allows viewer to live chat. Just moments ago, viewers got to take a ride with Kevin and Team verygreen’s Gary Vee where they talked about underrated social nets (pownce & vimeo were mentioned), sexy geeks (don’t forget about #9 AKA this girl right here), and received a quick call from Dr Tiki. Buffering…
According to John Mayer’s covert, Japanimated blog, even Superstars are not safe from the spinning wheel of death. Just be glad you didn’t get this message or this one. Fail. I call this the Mac Attack in reverse. All the coolness and uberness that is your Mac, spinning into a horrific rainbow pinwheel of paused reality. Admit it, it’s a wee bit hypnotic like the iTunes visualizer. (Aside: I can totally predict the visualizer pattern even before it shifts. Zing).…
Like every crazy trend on twitter, Colorwars2008 started out as an inside joke. An inside joke I was not privy too. Is is because I’m Canadian? My Story: I wake up around *tea time and find a crazy **color thing happening on twitter. All the cool kids had added a “Team Color” to their twitter avatars. Naturally, I am confused and like many Non-Silicon Valley outsiders, I just didn’t quite get the joke. After searching googly & twitter, I was…
Quick! Mac Attack! Alert the Airport Extreme and launch the iPod fighter jets! I’ll admit it. I once owned a PC. It was a dark period in my computing past, complete with a CD drive that wouldn’t work and a system infected with the Trojan horse virus… Seriously? I thought that was a myth? It’s not. And this big meanie, circa 1999, has got it. Bad. So, why is it here? Well, my mum who has been storing this…
It is not possible to be more bored than I am right now. Bored. I really shouldn’t post this. Ahhh, whatever, your readers are bored too. Bored at work. Staring at work they should be doing, but instead they come to your blog hoping to see bikini pictures. But instead they get this sucky post. Ha! I could do one of those padding posts that even the best bloggers do when they run out of interesting things to say. Think…