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Geeky Stuff

i like Viddler!

I’ll admit it. It took me some time to get to know Viddler. With so many video sharing platforms out there it’s hard to decide which one is best. I have been using Revver for the majority of my videos and Vimeo for a few odds n’ ends here and there, but recently I had a bad experience with the Revver wp-plugin. I had a total geek freakout. To put it lightly, the Revver wp-plugin was slowing my blog loading…

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Featured Geeky Stuff Videos

Mostly Lisa on Being Totally G4 Famous

A few weeks ago, I was a nobody. I know it’s hard to believe, but I was basically rabbit kibble. Do rabbits eat kibble? Chomp? But then G4’s Attack of the Show ranked me as the 5th hottest woman of the web and my life went from bunny kibble to like, a really expensive cheese… that’s been aging for years and packaged in fancy paper and served on a silver plate from a store that sells uber fancy plates. Don’t…

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Dark and Moody Sky

  Peaking over the screen of MB I saw this uber sunset, so jumped up, grabbed my camera, and ran out my door and into the middle of the street to snap this shot. PS. Danger is my middle name. PPS. I realized, only after returning to my apartment, that I was still wearing my pajama bottoms. Oh well, the humiliation was worth it for this photo.…

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Geeky Stuff

i has BSG S3!

  It’s gonna be a super productive evening. I can feel it! I tried so hard to get a part on this show as it is filmed in Vancouver. My efforts of setting up a covert lemonade stand outside of Starbuck’s condo did not yield the results I had been hoping for. On the plus side, I made $1.45. I did, however, turn down opportunities to be an extra and get on the uber set, only cuz it’s kind of…

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Geeky Stuff

2nd Best Pick-up Line Ever.

The Scene: I walk into my local wifi-friendly coffee shop pull out my Macbook and sit down. It takes me 30 seconds to zone into internet land and fire up transmission *ahem* the iTunes store. Another 30 seconds pass. Tap tap on my shoulder. Guy: So are Macs really all that? Me: Uhh… [glances at MB. notes it’s uberness] Yeah. Uh.. [shrugs] Guy: Yeah, cuz I’ve seen them around. So I guess you use them. Macs [pause] eh? Me: Yeah.…

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Vote for the Best Webware of 2008

Last chance to vote for your fav web 2.0 sites (audio, video, social, publishing, photography browser). It’ll be something fun to do first thing Monday morning whilst you are at work drinking your Starbucks and munching on some expensive treat you bought there. Or maybe you’re just rolling outta bed and grabbing some cereal which you take back to bed and leisurely start to check your RSS feeds. Either way it’s a great way to kill 5 mins. After the…

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Sun, sand & surf: Mostly Lisa & the Mayan Riviera 2008!

It has been a miserable winter and with the last few days of snow, sleet, rain, and painful hail the size of something that can dent your head, I say whoo yeaaaah to the thought of heading down to the sun, sand, and surf of the luxurious Mayan Riviera, Mexico. And that’s what I’m gonna do in 3 weeks! My mum and I will be flying with the deluxe, state of the art airlines: Air Transat. Don’t worry I’ll bring…

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