What’s Vidfest and why do we wanna go? Well, it’s only the Vancouver International Digital Festival, basically: the event for the top creative minds working in digital media attracting visionaries from games, web 2,0, interactive dsign, animation and mobile apps. Vidfest runs from May 21-24th. For a full schedule and program info hit up the Vidfest 2008 site. This will be an amazing networking opportunity if you’re in the new media scene or you like watching others network whilst you…
Here are some photos I grabbed with my trusty Canon Xti/400D (with the 50mm f/1.4 lens) of the 604 Records Showcase last Friday at the Red Room for New Music West. It was great to see Jessie Farrell et al. as they rarely play their hometown of Vancouver. In fact, I heard them play more in Jamaica than in Vancouver! But, as always Miss Jessie and her rock star band looked and sounded smokin’ hot! Jessie Farrell and Jesse Tucker…
Vectorama is a monthly design/illustration competition on MostlyLisa.com. Last month, the penguin themed illustration competition was so chill, it was ace! Ninja vs Penguin pwnd the other competitors with her uber stealth penguins. This month’s theme is Canadian Things! Things like: Hockey, maple syrup, Mounties, mountains, moose, beavers, snow plows, ice, and famous Canadian people, like Avril Lavigne. Feel free to exploit any Canadian stereotype you like. I welcome your ridicule.…
Whilst in England in February this year, I got very attached with a MacBook Air. It wasn’t mine but I wished and wished with all of my might for it to be so… AND SOMEONE ACTUALLY SENT ME ONE!! A MB AIR!!! (CAPS LOCKS ATTACK!) How insane is that? I’m still waiting for a Darlick or a Darma dude or a cylon or Ashton or Jonah Takalua to appear… PS. If anyone else would like to send me stuff, i…
Pownce tee provided by Startups Schwag. As you already know, I’m a big fan of the 2.0 social nets. I was an early adopter of the big three 2.0s: Facebook, Twitter, and Pownce. (We shall not mention myspace. I like to pretend that it doesn’t exist). So far I’ve maintained active accounts in all three, but lately I find my ability to keep up witty repartee a la hotdogladies on all three almost impossible. After a while, I find my…
Mostly Lisa’s Mayan Adventures at Chichen Itza
Posted on May 5, 2008Mostly Lisa Backend advertising only $100,000. Any takers? One of the hot topics discussed at the first Vancouver Tazzu WordPress Camp was blog monetization. Guest speaker, John Chow, talked a lot about how much money he makes from ads on his blog… a staggering $100,000 a month. Yep! His side bar ads go for $500-1000 a piece. That’s some serious monetization! And anyone who is a serious blogger will know that good, original content does not just happen. It takes…
That’s right. Vancouver! We have events too. Good ones. Ones that promise donuts. And there will probably be some sweet schwaggy WP stickers that I won’t stick on my computer cuz it’s lame. Unless it was a sticker of a giant, fire-breathing, biscuit-eating dinosaur. Rarrrr. The event is being held today (April 30th) at the swanky Network Hub from 5:30 – 8:30pm sooo if you are in Vancouver and l0v3 WP pop on by. For more details on the event…
Is it true? Is Canada finally getting the iPhone? Canadian wireless carrier Rogers Wireless said Tuesday it has reached an agreement with Apple to begin offering the iPhone later this year, putting an end to months of speculation on the subject. Well. It’s. Aboot. Time! Now, I can finally ditch my unlocked Fisher Price Skytalker Walkie Talkie which I’ve been using for the last 12 years as a method to communicate with my friends, family, lost polar bears, ice skating…