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Geeky Stuff Travel Videos

Mostly Lisa & UK Theme Park, Alton Towers

… usual hi-jinks ensue. Those Brits sure know how to make some sweet rides. Nemesis was definitely the big daddy, with Oblivion close behind. I’m glad I ate my huge portion of Fish and Chips after riding the big guns. Though my stomach was no so stoked about the combination of mushy peas and the hardcore Nutty Squirrel ride. Oh & check out my Alton Towers Flickr photo set. PS. I used almost every iLife iMovie packaged tune in the…

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My Endless Pursuit of an iPhone in the UK

Just arrived back home to beautiful sunny Vancouver. I rarely blog about the weather, but maaaaaan it was cold, rainy, cloudy and nothing like summer in England. You get sun for 5 mins, just start to relax, then boom! ominous cloud and rain! I’m writing an angry note to the Queen! So I still not in possession of an iPhone. I seriously can’t believe that I could not find a 16GB in England. They were all sold out everywhere and…

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Geeky Stuff

to iPhone or not to iPhone?

(yes! i finally found one to fondle. so thin and light). So i’m just about to board my flight to London in jolly ol’ England (I’ll be there for a week), and i thought i’d throw up a post asking that question that everyone is asking today: Are you gonna buy the new iPhone? I’m on the fence right now. If you buy one (especially first timers), flickr a photo and link it in the comments. It will make me…

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My brain is so famous.

Photographer: Ryland Haggis, Redpilot Media. (I helped too) Here’s a funny thing… So my multimedia company, Redpilot was hired to do a cover shoot of a physically exhausted runner for the cover of the British Journal of Sports Medicine. We had 2 days to shoot it , and missed the opportunity to grab some shots of tired runners at a big marathon by a few hours on the first day, and it was pouring rain the next day, so the…

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Geeky Stuff Tech/Web

Mostly MacBreak

While I was down in San Francisco a few weeks ago, I swung by Pixel Corps and casually hosted MacBreak with iJustine. We talked about the new ultra cool Flip Mino, hung out with Alex Lindsay and the awesome crew at Pixel Corps, including Joe who is not on twitter, and then nearly got kicked out of an Apple Store. Besides that, the “rat” problem, and the epic Kelly Clarkson lip dub-a-thon, it was a totally normal Friday for me.…

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Geeky Stuff Photography Tech/Web

Film in a Digital Age. Yay Lomo!

(On top of Moscone Centre, San Francisco) This was my first Holga lomo picture to actually come out. I took it the day after the madness that was WWDC 2008. My first roll, I accidentally exposed to light while taking it out of the camera. My second roll, I shot mostly at night in San Francisco (which looked so so cool) but I forgot to set the camera to “bulb” and all the shots were underexposed. Gah! Film is intense.…

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Geeky Stuff Tech/Web

Friday Night Party Line Podcast

I was the special guest on an uber cerebral podcast last night called the Friday Night Party Line. I promise that I most definitely said something to embarrass myself. We talked about Esperanto, kids, video editing, environmental issues, polar bears, GPS, and what we would spend $5000 if we had to spend it. What I would spend $5000 on if I was in some alternate universe where money grew on trees and responsibilities floated away on hot air balloons and…

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