About Me




Mostly Lisa’s Photo Competition #1: Summertime

So many people asked me to hold a regular photography contest, so, hizzah, hizzah, here is the very first one I’m calling: “Summertime.” Excited! Already popping off your lens cap? Oh boy! I want to see your best shot of glorious, beautiful summertime. Something that screams days on the beach, cold drinks, vacations at the lake, flip flops, gorgeous sunsets, feet in the sand, sticky lollipop fingers, roadtrips.. & all that good stuff. Submissions: Add your best image to the…

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Geeky Stuff Life Tech/Web Travel

Women of New Media on TWiT & Net@Night

Photo by Tony Wang | Molly, Lisa, Justine, Sarah, Amber & Leo. I had the pleasure of meeting some amazing and talented ladies at last week’s New Media Expo. It was weird how we just all happened to wander on TWiT Live at the same time. I think we were lured there by the heaps of tasty brain toniq, TWiT tees & Leo’s mega-watt smile. Photo by PHP Princess Amber MacArthur, Sarah Austin, Molly Lynn & I had a great…

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Featured Travel Videos

Mostly Gambling with Rosie O’Donnell

In the game of life, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. It’s all about what kind of stakes are involved. You could lose, like, $5 or your, like, your kidney, both are a tough pill to swallow. …I wonder what kind of steak & kidney pie I could get for $5? Probably not a very good one… It’s kind of weird when the title of a dish of food mentions the animal organ it comes from… Ahh… I digress.…

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Geeky Stuff Videos

My Favourite Schwag from the New Media Expo

One hour before NME in Las Vegas was brought to a close I thought to myself, “What is the best way to wrap up this extravaganza of media madness?” After approximately 5 minutes of deep thinking, I came up with dive bombing random people with DIY wooden airplane.” Thanks YouSendIt for this wonderfully fun bit of schwag, I hope you don’t mind dealing with a few teeny tiny injury and dismemberment lawsuits. I’m sure they are just after a money…

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Geeky Stuff

New Media Exponanza!

Lisa & Veronica Belmont. Just an average day for me. Pimped out my very own Mostly Lisa Tees with the awesome crew at Viddler. Met Veronica Belmont, Amber Macarthur, Leo Laporte (ZOMG), Sarah Austin and hung out on Twit live… Then filmed a few episodes of MacBreak with Alex Lindsay… Streamed live for the first time thanks to the good people at Qik… I still don’t know if it’s for me, but hey, I’m in Vegas. Gotta just break out…

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Featured Geeky Stuff Travel Videos

Mostly Lisa & the New Media Expo in Las Vegas

Tomorrow, I will be heading off to Las Vegas with Team Viddler for the New Media Expo. I’m really excited about hanging out with Viddler, the cool people that created my favourite video platform, and meeting loads of uber media people. I need to catch some serious zzzs tonight as I will need my stamina during the shenanigans iJustine, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Sarah of Pop17 will inevitably get up to. Follow me on twitter, viddler, flickr and the official NME…

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Geeky Stuff Life

Healing time

I’m sorry for the lack of posts, but my horrible computer over-use neck injury is taking it’s darn sweet time to heal. Apparently, these muscle-tendon injuries need longer than a day to heal. I know! What’s with that? And if you continue to work in anti-ergonomic conditions for 18+ hours a day, the injury comes back! Harsh. It has been agony cutting out all computer activities for the last week, but I’ve been so good and not blogged at all…

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Geeky Stuff Photography

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 is available today!

If you listen to TWIP, you’ll know about Fredrick Van & Scott Bourne’s on-going Adobe’s Lightroom vs Apple’s Aperture debate. Scott swears by Aperture and at Lightroom & Fred’s sweet on LR2. It’s quite childish really, considering Scott just abandoned Canon for the Nikon D3. hmph! Plus, who starts arguments over technogeeky topics? No one that I know personally, as in not being that person directly. Huh? Exactly. I’ve discombobulated you have I? When I was down in SF visiting the TWIP…

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