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Featured Life Videos

Mostly Snow White: Disney on Ice

I celebrate the Vancouver launch of the newest Disney on Ice show by returning to the ice after 2 years of sedentary geeky activities and a week on the Wii Fit reaching “Yoga Master” in the weird tree pose. If you want to catch all the glitzy, figure skating action, Disney’s High School Musical: The Ice Tour runs from Nov. 27-30th at Pacific Colosseum.…

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Vote for your favourite portrait!

Hey Guys! Another awesome bunch of entries for the second Mostly Lisa Photography Contest! It was tough, but I had to pick my top 8. And here they are: “Heather” by ldsnately. “Lucy” by Other Angle. “Deep in Thought” by Scott Bradley. “Margot” by DJSteen. “The Red Turban” by Rob and Lauren. “Sir Dylan Hollingsworth” by T Sharp. “Brighton Photowalk” by Stephen Cotterell. “Babe Kennedy” by Ron Davis. & thanks to everyone who entered. I really enjoyed looking at all your photos.…

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Geeky Stuff Tech/Web

What are your favourite gadgets of 2008?

For the holidays, The Vancouver Province is rolling out a special insert called “The Holiday Survival Guide”. It’s my job to pick the Top 5 Gadget Gifts. It’s basically a dream come true. The only downside is that there are so many awesome gadgets, which five do I pick? I have scoured gadget web sites, magazines, and my own apartment to find the best gadget gifts to recommend and I’m just not feeling my current list. This is where I…

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Photographing attack squirrels

50mm f/1.4 lens, 1/100, f/4, ISO 400. Looks harmless doesn’t he? Ha! Once this rabbit-sized squirrel saw that I had an open bag of nuts in my hand, he made a beeline for me, scrambled up my legs (youch!), and dove in my pocket searching for them. Then, upon finding the cornucopia of nuts (we are talking like, elite trail mix, the good stuff), he pouched 10 of them and scurried off to hide them. His hiding system consisted of…

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Mostly Madonna

Online Report for The Vancouver Province. Mostly Lisa’s behind-the-scenes video diary of Madonna’s first appearance in Vancouver at BC Place for her “Sticky & Sweet” tour. *Video Warning: Excessive aerobicizing and self-inflicted embarrassment. Do not try this in public* Happy Halloween! Guess what my costume is? It’s tricky, but I know you can do it!…

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