About Me




Mostly Lost

The Province. The new season of Lost is premiering tonight at 8/7c or whenever it hits the torrents. I’m literally on pins and needles as to how the Oceanic Six will get back to the island, considering it moved and stuff, and what exactly happened to those left behind. Only JJ knows for sure. Are you going to watch Lost tonight? PS. Who’s your favourite Lost character?…

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Geeky Stuff Tech/Web Travel Videos

Mostly Macworld Keynote 2009

I apologize for my lousy blogging lately. Macworld has been insane for me. I was on my feet from 7am – 3am, running around the expo doing Macbreak interviews, being a guest on Macbreak Weekly, recording TWiP, and looting booths for schwag (the most important thing at MW), and attending a few shindigs. I plan on writing a detailed post on my reflections of Macworld and my top picks of the Expo in a few days. Before I give you…

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Geeky Stuff

Mostly Macworld 2009

Photo by Scott Meizner’s slick Canon 5D Mark II. It’s just after midnight, the day before Macworld keynote ’09. I can see the glow of the Moscone Center from my hotel room. I can’t quite see the line o’fanboys, but if I crane my neck a wee bit, I can see the twinkle of their MBP and a glint in their eyes. They miss Jobs. Ahh, don’t we all. For those of you not able to come to Macworld, I’ll…

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Photography Travel

Sunset walk, Surfer’s Paradise, Gold Coast

17-35mm lens, 35mm, f/7.1, 1/125, ISO 200 I thought I’d just share this picture of a father & daughter taking a sunset stroll on the beach at Surfer’s Paradise. Such a magical moment. The Gold Coast of Australia is stunningly beautiful and a heaven to shoot. I have taken so many shots, I don’t know what to do with them all. I guess I’ll start processing them on the 17 hour flight home to Vancouver :S To get the shot…

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Travel Videos

Mostly Lisa’s Australian Animal Adventure

As you might have already guessed from the post title, I’m in Australia! I’m here on the Gold Coast to take some great photos and take a wee bit of a hot and sunny vacation before MacWorld in January. I can’t wait to actually have a skin tone that contrasts with the pasty nocturnal geekazoids at the conference. I will laugh and say, “Haha! That used to be me! But now look at me… I’m all red and… patchy.” Oh…

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