1. I missed an early morning Fedex pickup for an iMac that I needed yesterday because I was sleeping and didn’t catch the phone until the last ring, so I ran down to the street after the Fedex guy in my pajamas, and literally missed him by a second. 2. I gave myself whiplash as I was running down the stairs to catch the Fedex guy and couldn’t turn my head to the left for about 3 hours. 3. The hot…
24-105mm lens, 90mm, f/4.0, 1/320, ISO 200. Processed in PS. I snapped a shot these two Canada goslings or “geeselings” as I like to call them, on Granville Island. I had to lie in geese poop for about an hour to get this shot. I basically had to become one with the geese, a part of their family, to be accepted enough to get super close. Every so often a bratty kid would come running at them, whooping and waving…
24mm-105mm f/4 lens, 40mm, 1/250, f/5.0, ISO 100. Yesterday we were shooting an iPhone app commercial all afternoon out in Point Grey. It was a supremely gorgeous day and we wrapped at about 5pm. The light was so golden and yummy that I had to shoot some photos of our actor, Derek Pante. I have always wanted to do a spontaneous photo shoot with bubbles, so I keep a bottle of bubble mix in my car. Derek was awesome and…
Putting my University minor in Russian to good use ;) Playing Sophia the spy in a series of videos for the coolest Mac software bundle sale site, MacHeist! Here is the highlight reel……
I shot this a week or so ago just outside Vancouver on a ranch. You can’t tell from this picture, but it is actually snowing here. I froze my buns of waiting for this beautiful light. I wanted to use a strobe in this shot, but my batteries died so I had to shoot au natural. I also couldn’t manage to put the lens hood on because my fingers were frozen solid. Hence the crazy lens flare. I like it…
Here’s the video. Every single second of it :S I’m actually really proud of this show and everyone involved. It was my first time producing a show this big, technologically challenging, & live! I lost about 5 pounds in sweat, literally. There were moments when I just wanted to crawl into the fetal position a cry. But we had such an amazing team who pulled several all-nighters to get this show up and running. I was so grateful that my…