get more professional looking shots!…
10 New Years Resolutions Every Photographer should make
Posted on January 2, 2010Just a quick video message wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday! 2010 is going to be a good one… I can feel it!…
Last week, Startups Schwag sent me to Las Vegas to check out all the cool Startups at Blog World Expo 2008. The expo floor was packed with flashy booths and bloggers, vloggers, podcasters and geeky internet folk. I caught up with Startups Schwag Alums, Mashable, Lijit, and Disqus at the plethora of glitzy Blog World parties. In case you missed the festivities, here’s a video recap… Mostly Lisa stylez. All in all it was an extravaganza of new media &…
Voices: A Fun Voice Morphing app for your iPhone
Posted on November 19, 2009Download Voices for your iPhone. If you think this is weird, you should see the outtakes! Oh boy. I’ll post the behind the scenes video once I recover from this all-nighter. ZzZ. I had a lot of fun making this video and playing with the Voices app. There is nothing funnier than sounding like a drunk robot or a possessed chipmunk. Especially at 3am after being up for 30 hours and engulfing massive amounts of helium. The lights were so…
5DMII, 15mm f/2.8, 1/25, f/5.6, IS0 320. I rented a 15mm fisheye lens (Sigma 15mm f/2.8) a few weekends ago and I absolutely fell in love with it. It’s not the type of lens you’d have in your regular kit, but boy is it fun to have for those rare occasions when you want to make the ordinary look super cool. I ended up taking the lens to the BC Lions football game. Yes we have football in Canada. While…