
My Intent Words: Big Picture

In my life and work as a photographer, I try to focus on the BIG PICTURE. I strive towards achieving my ultimate goals and giving my time to the things that matter – love, health, happiness, family, inspiring others & creating meaningful projects.

Sometimes I linger on the small distracting things and I feel heavy with negative thoughts. As soon as I start to worry, I say my words “BIG PICTURE” over and over until I remember what really matters to me.

Thank you Chris Pan & for this beautiful project of positivity. I actually cried when I received this bracelet. I was having a bad day and just to have a simple reminder to glance at from time to time helps me focus on the good things.
I actually cried when I received this bracelet. I was having a bad day and just to see the words written so clearly and permanently, I realized that I have a lot to be grateful for. I released the bad and focused on the good smile emoticon

‪#‎MyIntent‬ ‪#‎WhatsYourWORD‬

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