All Posts By

Mostly Lisa

  • Photography

    Through the looking glass

    Today was my first photoshoot on the other side of the lens. And let me tell you, the artistic responsibility of the “Photographer” is quite a bit different than the “Model”.…

  • Geeky Stuff

    Isle of Man and Postman Pat

    When I was little, my mum and I would travel across the Atlantic to visit my grandparents in the Isle of Man. The windswept island, located in the middle of the…

  • Geeky Stuff

    Where in the world am I?

    Here’s a super fun game I call: Where in the world is Lisa? It sure seems fun, doesn’t it? Object of game: Identify the location of the above picture.Hint 1#: North…

  • Life Photography

    Exposed: Germfest 2007

    72 hours ago I was not sick. Now I am. This week on “Exposed” we explore possible reasons why I am currently sick. This is hard hitting news people. Be prepared.…

  • Geeky Stuff

    Remembering Oak Bay High

    Look. There I am in high school. A bit needy of attention, aren’t we? Good thing I got over that! Phew. Let’s revisit the ol’ green and white, shall we?Pictures circa…

  • Photography

    Chapter 1: Unsettling (Part 2)

    Continuing with my “Crooks and Crannies” Photography Series, I present more photos to unsettle and bemuse you. I call this: “Chapter 1: Unsettling (Part 2)”. Introduction: Photos taken inside and outside…

  • Geeky Stuff

    font color of my life = #nnerdd

    You know url a nerd when: 1. You make a joke integrating obscure html code;2. You are currently tweaking your widgets using tips from hackosphere;3. Listing the hexidecimal value for more…