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Mostly Lisa

  • Geeky Stuff

    Magic Button

    I hit the magic button and here I am! “They mostly come out at night… mostly” has finally arrived. I must say I’ve been on WordPress for little under a day…

  • Uncategorized

    Guitar Chords of the Week

    I don’t have time to be a fancy pants with my normal level of chord charting, so I will just link you up to the song I am playing at this…

  • Geeky Stuff


    What happens when you watch, study, and obsess over Wes Anderson films for three days in a row?   *Warning: The viewing of said masterpiece has been known to cause “confusion”…

  • Geeky Stuff

    ValenTimes with Mindy

    Today is the Valentine’s Day — the National Day of Love. And who better to talk about love and nations, then our favourite guest blogger, love guru, and my best friend,…

  • Geeky Stuff

    Feliz día de San Valentín.

    Y un otro regalo para mis audiencias de habla español (sobre todo mi profesor español preferido) que no entenderán Mindy porque ella es tan tonta. Aquí está mi mejor tentativa en…

  • Uncategorized

    Where am I?

    Here’s a super fun blog game to cheer up this soggy Monday evening. Where is Lisa and what is she doing? It sure looks fun. Another thing that’s fun is watching…

  • Photography

    Dance, dance

    Walzing with Britain’s Marco Cavallaro & Joanne Clifton. The moment before with Canadian Couple, Anton Belyayev & Karolina Paliwoda (pictured below). A dandy time with Florian Gschaider & Manuela Stoecki. Quicksteppin’…

  • Photography

    Snowball Classic 2007

    I just returned from the Sheraton Wall Centre Ballroom where this year’s International Ballroom competition, the Snowball Classic was held. The dancers were truly breathtaking and I had a fabulous time…

  • Photography

    Meet Mookie the Bear

    Meet my furry friend Mookie the Bear. He really is a fine fellow. Here are some things Mookie likes: 1. A good bocce ball game. 2. Boating. Wait! Don’t forget your…