I interrupt this story to show you these cupcakes: a cupcakes poem all some one none. crumbs fall icing’s done. all some one none. i ate them all every last one.…
Mostly Lisa
Read any good books lately?” Sometimes it comes up in conversation — a question about, or involving books. “Uhh… books. You mean reading “offline”? Do subtitles count? No? What about tabloids…
Drum roll please… (the suspense is killing you) My favourite Pez is… the… Ewok!! For the linguistic nerds among us you can check out the translation of Ewokese saying “yub nub”…
Pez for the World. Pez for Girls. Pez for Boys. Pez for Children of all Ages. Pez for Nerds like Me. Pez photographs taken outside, looking into the front window…
Casting Call for Photoshoot*: Description: Thin, thin, thin (THIN) females to play: A. Young people addicted to crystal methamphetamine; B. Depressed teens; C. Anoerexics. Wardrobe: Dark, scruffy clothing. Dirty hair. Dark…
Party Invitation, mostly Event: Super fun dance party. Where: My back alley. Who’s coming: So far: Me, mostly. But everyone is welcome. Why? Celebrating the finding hidden treasures. Come one come…
Speaks for itself doesn’t it? Dear fellow actor, Sometimes “the industry” can get you down. It’s tough. I know. I auditioned for a beer commercial two weeks ago. In a bikini.…
After a torrential downpour last night, our creepy little red-nosed friend was looking rather derelique today. Poor thing. He just wants to be loved.…
Jam Crisis Averted Jam stocks in the Kitsilano residence of Lisa Bettany reached an all time low on February 19, 2007. “I just forgot to get jam on my last trip…
I’m sorry if this post did not help your phobia of clowns. Just remember: He’s not looking AT you, he’s looking WITH you.…