All Posts By

Mostly Lisa

  • Photography

    A diamond in the rough…

    I was going to post this tomorrow, but I just can’t contain myself. I simply have no self-control when it comes to gift giving. And this folks, is a hidden gem…

  • Uncategorized

    Jessie Farrell’s Emerson Drive Tour (Pt 2)

    It seems like they just got home yesterday from Winnipeg, but they’re already off again! The band squeezed all their gear into a minivan and left this morning at 8am on…

  • Life

    No Favourite Books? (part 2)

    In this post, I am delving deeper into my exploration of my lack of “the reading of the books made of paper”. Previously in Chapter One: Age 10, I read “Doctor…

  • Photography

    The Clown is gone

    Are you happy now? Our little friend is gone. Vanished from the derelique alley way he has called home for the past week and a half. Dear Mr. Alley Clown, We…

  • Life Photography

    i heart Mother Earth

    Presenting a new Photography Series: i heart Mother Earth. Introduction: We live in a beautiful world. And I am fortunate to live in a very beautiful city. Vancouver is surrounded by…

  • Life

    Project Ecuador Update

    For an introduction to this empowering and inspiring project, I refer you to my previous Project Ecuador post. Update: The boys from Project Ecuador have all arrived safely in Chimborazo, Ecuador.…