All Posts By

Mostly Lisa

  • Uncategorized

    Jessie Farrell on the Radio.

    Help get Jessie’s new single “Let’s Talk About Love” played. Call in to Calgary Radio Station 105 right now and say you want to “Ride it”. The Number is: 1-877-214-0360. You…

  • Uncategorized

    Back to Basics.

    Ry and I arrived back in beautiful Vancouver (three cheers for the greenery and fresh air) on Sunday after a crazy weekend in Calgary. Ry’s journey home in the Jessie Farrell…

  • Photography

    Let’s Talk About Jessie Farrell.

    Jessie Farrell, Jesse Tucker and Ryland Haggis rocked the Chrome Room at the Deerfoot Inn & Casino in Calgary this weekend. I was so moved by their last performance that I…

  • Photography


    Back in one piece… mostly. Fill you in after sleeping.…

  • Geeky Stuff Photography

    The Return of Pez

      Here’s a fun game I call: Are You an Über-Geek? NB. You must OWN the following items featuring the above Marvel-ous Superheroes (and one DC dude) in order to add…

  • Geeky Stuff


    I rely heavily on “toastables” as snacks and meals. I eat them in the morning, and in the afternoon, I eat them in the evening underneath the moon. Let’s all raise…

  • Photography

    Chapter One: i heart Trees

    Today I am adding a new chapter to my i heart Mother Earth Photography Series called: i heart Trees. Introduction: When I see the ridiculous amount of packaging that my two…