Current price of Safeway cupckakes: $3.99. Looks like we’re back in business. Though not for long as it seems that one, Captain Foushad, has taken a liking to guarding the sugary…
Mostly Lisa
While cleaning my kitchen today, I found a lovely treat hidden in the back of my tea, jello pudding, and granola bar cupboard. Well, call me “Kindersurprised!” Because I was. I…
Photo taken yesterday at sunset on 3rd at Larch St. in Kitsilano, Vancouver. Aside: I’ve decided that I like lens flare. …
I’ll admit it. I love cupcakes. They are perfect to me. And I cherish every moment we spend together. Our time is brief, but memorable. And I want to create new…
Photo taken in my Mum’s beautiful garden in Victoria two Springs ago with my little point and shoot. …
I dedicate this Hidden Treasures post to the Opportunitas Aequa Crew who successfully delivered soccer equipment to children in impoverished communities in Ecuador. The soccer field is built. The equiment has…
Jessie Farrell’s new single “Let’s Talk About Love”, co-written by Jesse Tucker took it to the top 5 nights in a row on Vancouver’s JR FM. The response was enormous! People…
Macro-licious in Victoria, BC, December, 2004. Photo taken with my first digital camera, the Canon Powershot A70.…
Photo taken with my Canon Rebel Xti using my EF 50mm f/1.4 lens.…