All Posts By

Mostly Lisa

  • Photography

    Cupcakes and Captain Foushad.

    Current price of Safeway cupckakes: $3.99. Looks like we’re back in business. Though not for long as it seems that one, Captain Foushad, has taken a liking to guarding the sugary…

  • Photography


    While cleaning my kitchen today, I found a lovely treat hidden in the back of my tea, jello pudding, and granola bar cupboard. Well, call me “Kindersurprised!” Because I was. I…

  • Geeky Stuff Photography

    Dark and Moody.

    Photo taken yesterday at sunset on 3rd at Larch St. in Kitsilano, Vancouver. Aside: I’ve decided that I like lens flare.  …

  • Life

    The dark side of my cupcake obsession

    I’ll admit it. I love cupcakes. They are perfect to me. And I cherish every moment we spend together. Our time is brief, but memorable. And I want to create new…

  • Photography


    Photo taken in my Mum’s beautiful garden in Victoria two Springs ago with my little point and shoot.  …

  • Geeky Stuff

    no obstacle is too great for OA

    I dedicate this Hidden Treasures post to the Opportunitas Aequa Crew who successfully delivered soccer equipment to children in impoverished communities in Ecuador. The soccer field is built. The equiment has…

  • Uncategorized


    Jessie Farrell’s new single “Let’s Talk About Love”, co-written by Jesse Tucker took it to the top 5 nights in a row on Vancouver’s JR FM. The response was enormous! People…

  • Photography


    Macro-licious in Victoria, BC, December, 2004. Photo taken with my first digital camera, the Canon Powershot A70.…

  • Photography


    Photo taken with my Canon Rebel Xti using my EF 50mm f/1.4 lens.…