All Posts By

Mostly Lisa

  • Life

    Capturing the Real Me.

    When I lived in Toronto, I was fortunate to work with some amazing photographers. My all time favourite photographer was Adrian Jendrasik. Adrian loves capturing real moments. Moments that aren’t faked…

  • Geeky Stuff Photography

    Plastic Grapes.

    Decadent, are they not? Montana the Koala Bear helped me find these glowing gems outside the Thrift Shop. He says, “They’re perfect for all occasions and they’ll last forever.” He also…

  • Photography

    Montana the Koala Bear

    I met Montana the Koala Bear sitting on an antique desk in front of an ironing board outside the Thrift Store on 4th. He was enjoying the sunny spring day and…

  • Geeky Stuff

    Blog of the minute.

    I’m the wordpress “Blog of the minute”? Oh wow. WOW. I don’t know what to say…. I guess I’d like to thank my loyal fans and all the people who voted…

  • Life

    Script in a Box

    March 31st. Does this date mean anything to you? Well, if you are an actor living in British Columbia or you are currently at the lululemon on 4th holding a steamed…

  • Photography

    Diese kleinen Kuchen sind für den Kaiser!

    I know. I don’t understand German either. It’s quite a problem really. Luckily, I am endowed with a plethora of linguistic skills. Well… that and a translating widget. Using these methods,…