All Posts By

Mostly Lisa

  • Geeky Stuff

    Behind the scenes.

    A sneak peek of the behind the scenes of Jessie Farrell’s “Let’s Talk About Love” music video. Well, me at least. Sorry! I can’t post the Jessie pictures yet… But don’t…

  • Photography

    Moments ago…

    I saw this sweet sunset outside my window when I was not watching the Nucks vs Ducks game cuz we don’t have cable among many reasons and ran out into the…

  • Uncategorized

    Sweet Ride.

    Check out Jessie Farrell’s new tour bus! Booyakasha! That’s pretty pimpin’. We are heading up to Whistler tomorrow for a deluxe show at the GLC. Should be wicked awesome! Don’t forget…

  • Geeky Stuff Photography

    Happy B-Earth Day!

    Hugs and Kisses to my Mother on her birthday! Today is also Earth Day. I thought I would share some of new pictures of Jericho Beach to add to my favourite…

  • Photography

    Meet the Jessie Farrell Band

    Y’all know the beautiful Jessie Farrell. Meet lead guitarist (+ vocals), Jesse Tucker. Drummer, Jesse Godin. Bassist (+ vocals), Ryland Haggis. Vocals & acoustic guitar (+ tamborine!), Kylee Epp. Photos taken…

  • Geeky Stuff

    Rollerblading Adventure: Part 1

    Getting There. Yesterday, my rollerblading destination was Jericho Beach in Point Grey (approximately 8km round trip according to the gmap pedometer). I stripped my gear to the bare minimum (body, one…

  • Geeky Stuff


    Bet you didn’t think I could be any bigger of an uber nerd after all my nerd things posts (apple, pez, and gear)? Well think again. Here’s my Buffy the Vampire…