Define Yourself from the Outside In …
Mostly Lisa
Thank you for being a fabulous Mum! My mum and I on vacation in the Isle of Man. Last weekend in Cadboro Bay. My mum (the saucy one sticking out her…
Cadboro Bay, Victoria, BC. The Dragon: The Salmon: The Tug Boat (as seen from inside Samuel): Samuel the Octopus: There is definitely a story here… If I didn’t have two video…
Here are two pictures of me peaking out of the big red octopus, who is called “Samuel”, at Gyro Park. Why Samuel? I don’t know that’s the name he told me…
I’ve done a lot of book learning in my life. 8 years of elementary school. 5 years of high school. 5 (and a bit ) years of undergrad university. 2 years…
Age 8.…
I will post a photo diary tomorrow. As you can see from the following photos… I worked my little caboose off… I’m a little tired. A big congrats to Josh for…
Yes. In THOSE shoes. Tomorrow (Saturday, May 5th), some very brave and “secure” and perhaps “strong and silent” men, including none other than GiveMeaning’s Tom “Runt” Williams, will be hitting the…
Technical details of rotating rollerblade (in-line skating) wheels (see picture). Step One. Step Two. Details: Right Wheel #1 with Left Wheel #3 Right Wheel #2 with Left Wheel #4 Right Wheel…
Check out GiveMeaning’s first video created by RedPilot. This video follows Tom Williams as he stops by “Midday” on CFJC TV7 in Kamloops, BC to talk about GiveMeaning. Watch for the…