Here are some behind the scenes photos that I took of Jessie Farrell’s first music video. Jessie & band will be playing next at the Stampede Kick-Off Party in Calgary. Here…
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Mostly Lisa
I am 13 years-old.…
Watch Steve nerd out at the WWDC 2007. I love a good Keynote.…
Who’s your favourite Pez head?…
Anyone for a quick game of badminton? I have a wicked serve, so you’d better watch out. Plus, I’m uber competitive and have been known to smash rackets into abstract shapes…
My mum has a beautiful garden surrounding her home in Victoria. Her Cadboro Bay garden is always filled with colour and texture during the spring and summer months when all the…
Anyone for Croquet?…
(according to Jesse Tucker, guitarist extraordinaire, co-writer of Jessie Farrell’s first single “Let’s Talk About Love”, and lover of all things pocket vortex with a mild to extreme crackberry addiction) This…