Let’s run through the check list of relevant Web 2.0 mind-mapped buzz-words: User-Centred: yes Ruby on Rails: no. my name is not Ruby, and I don’t do drugs or ride on…
Mostly Lisa
Dear Harry, Please send my D.A. membership card in the mail. Fondest Regards, Lisa…
H. Potter
Went to the opening of the new Harry Potter flick, the Order of Pheonix last night at midnight… it was superwickedawesome!!! also awesome, going to 3 different cinemas in Vancity cuz…
Or a chicken disguised as a rooster?…
that’s a pretty sweet Ina Bauer… yeah… i guess you could call me a rollerblading superstar… if you wanted to.…
Photo taken by Jane Bettany on a beautiful sunny summer day in the Inner Harbour, downtown Victoria, BC.…
They may make a big mess, but seriously, how cute are these rabbits? The cutest. Photos taken with Canon Xti with 50 prime lens near student housing at the University of…
Pictured Transformers are my very own sweet collection of Generation 1 (1984) Mini-bots: Cosmos (Autobot), Seaspray (Autobot), Windcharger (Autobot), Laserbeak* (Decepticon) *Laserbeak is technically not a Mini-bot, he’s a cassette minion…