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Mostly Lisa

  • Uncategorized

    H. Potter

    Went to the opening of the new Harry Potter flick, the Order of Pheonix last night at midnight… it was superwickedawesome!!! also awesome, going to 3 different cinemas in Vancity cuz…

  • Photography

    Uvic Bunnies.

    They may make a big mess, but seriously, how cute are these rabbits? The cutest. Photos taken with Canon Xti with 50 prime lens near student housing at the University of…

  • Geeky Stuff Life


    Pictured Transformers are my very own sweet collection of Generation 1 (1984) Mini-bots: Cosmos (Autobot), Seaspray (Autobot), Windcharger (Autobot), Laserbeak* (Decepticon) *Laserbeak is technically not a Mini-bot, he’s a cassette minion…