Lisa’s ibook G4* is slowing down.
2049 itunes
6084 iphotos
50 Garageband projects
14 imovie projects
245 Photoshop projects
These items are currently “in use” and cannot be allocated to external devices. So get your nano outta here. Do you think you can fit all this crap on something that small? Seriously. I know. I know. Get an external hard drive. Well, I did. And as of yesterday, my two 250GB external HDs are jam packed as well. And according to researchers, money doesn’t grow on trees.
Also, I’ve got Adobe up to my ying yang, Studio 8, ATE my speed, and Final Cut CUT into what little RAM I had left.
ineed help.
*Personal plea to Mr. Jobs: Please, please, please release the new Macbook soon*
Lisa Belovely’s ineeds.
*Who puts rhinestones on their computer?
NB. Uh… they’re not rhinestones, they are Swarovski Crystals. So… Whatever. You’re Clueless anyway.
March 20, 2007 at 5:21 AMNormally I would recommend that you switch to a Windows PC but Vista absolutely sucks. So I think you’re better off waiting around for that new Mac.
March 20, 2007 at 8:27 AMWhen is this new Macbook due to be released? I’m officially in the market.
And I believe the term is “bejeweled”.
March 20, 2007 at 10:47 AMI’ve always secertly wanted to ‘bedazzle’ some sort of article of clothing. I know it’s wrong, but I missed out when I was 12 and I’ve never gotten over it.
March 20, 2007 at 4:33 PMCross your fingers for an end of March release.
I think everyone, especially Curly-Q, needs a bedazzled jean mini skirt. A star perhaps.. or a butterfly… two hearts, one pink, one blue, together… beating as one…
Bejewel. Bedazzle. Belovely.
March 20, 2007 at 11:20 PMSounds like a Cole Porter song!
March 21, 2007 at 12:44 PMNo major upgrade until Macworld in July. Might be the off-chance of a speed/storage bump, but that would likley be about it before then… even in July, you have to remember that they can’t have the MacBook be more feature-rich than the powerbook… and the two are already pretty close. So don’t expect too much in the way of excitement come July!
Andy Piper
March 22, 2007 at 2:45 AMI got a Macbook Pro last month and I love it – but I can see how you’d easily run out of space even with 160Gb of storage… I’m heading that way with photos :-(
Lisa Belovely
March 22, 2007 at 3:20 PMAre you an Apple insider?
Andy Piper
March 26, 2007 at 12:45 AMI’m not an Apple insider, no… but I’m really enjoying my new machine. Sad, isn’t it!