Geeky Stuff


Lisa’s Facebook Status:

She is back from sunning herself and her cleavage on Kits beach. Her new tan is so awesome. She loves this hot hot heat weather.

You: Why are you talking in the third person?
Me: Are you talking to me?
You: Yeah, I am.
Me: Go on then.
You: “She”… “her”.. you’re speaking the the 3rd person.
Me: Oh. Didn’t notice that.
You: You wouldn’t would you?
Me: Guess not. Too busy, you know, tanning at the beach in a bikini. Whatever.
You: You are ridiculously vain.
You: YOU disgusted ME.
Me: Hey, that would make a great Web 2.0 Social Networking site:UdisgustMi

Me: Catchy.

UdisgustMi 2.0

“Why Add when you can Reject?”

Step 1:

We’ll compile a list of “friends” for you from all the personal information you give us, like your bank account and credit card numbers, address, where you live, where you work, and all the passwords to, like all your electronic stuffs. It’s real official, so like, don’t worry… We’ll keep it all on the down low.

Step 2:

Personally reject people that disgust you. Tell them what you think of them, like, really mean stuff like “uhhh, you’re stupid and gross” “why are you so lame?” “i don’t know you, but I already hate you”.

Step 3:

Reject everyone until there is just you. It’s that simple. Then you can just send messages to yourself and add photos or post a sweet video diary clip that only you can see… After all, the only “real friend” you’ve got is yourself anyway.

NB. This is a satire. Thanks for not being offended.

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  • melmignucci
    July 14, 2007 at 7:28 PM

    there should be a networking site like this
    fo serious.
    it’d be a HITTTT!

  • Lisa Bettany
    July 15, 2007 at 2:50 PM

    indeed! it could be a movement too… with a button and flags… i’m looking into it.

  • mcpaige
    July 15, 2007 at 4:21 PM

    I think you are ugly and this site is stupid. Also your jokes and pictures suck.


  • mcpaige
    July 15, 2007 at 4:26 PM

    This is a satire. Thanks for not being offended.

  • Lisa Bettany
    July 15, 2007 at 7:08 PM
