
Montana the Koala Bear

I met Montana the Koala Bear sitting on an antique desk in front of an ironing board outside the Thrift Store on 4th. He was enjoying the sunny spring day and was in good spirits as we chatted about the goings on at the store. I was in a hurry, so after our chat, I gave him a quick hug good bye and rushed off.

Montana the Koala Bear-1

Montana the Koala Bear-3

In all the excitement, I forgot to ask Montana where he got such a strange name. I will have to pop by today and ask him.


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  • jorees
    April 2, 2007 at 8:08 PM

    Montana looks very cute. I suppose it is always good to see a welcoming Koala Bear in Vancouver.

    Yesterday while teaching public speaking a stray dog wandered into class- three times! I asked the students if this was normal and they assured me it was. He “lived on campus”. The dog just strolled in for some petting and scrap food. Gotta say in a strange way it kind of made my day.

  • Lisa Belovely
    April 2, 2007 at 10:32 PM

    it was quite odd to run into a Koala bear in Vancouver.. but you never know who i’m going to find on my hidden treasure walks.

    did the dog have a name?

  • seb
    April 3, 2007 at 10:07 PM

    I really wish I had a Koala bear like that! He looks very intelligent.

  • Lisa Belovely
    April 3, 2007 at 11:09 PM

    Oh Montana is very smart indeed. I think it’s because he has such good listening ears.

  • Plastic Grapes. « they mostly come out at night… mostly
    April 5, 2007 at 2:23 PM

    […] Montana the Koala Bear helped me find this gem outside the Thrift Shop. He says, “They’re perfect for all occasions and they’ll last forever.” He also warns us that they are not to be eaten and are definitely hazardous to small children, pets, or humans who are fooled by their likeness to real grapes. According to Montana, this happens quite frequently. Why just the other day, a woman, a small child and a small dog, all tried to eat one of the plastic grapes. Fortunately for them, Montana is trained in first aid. […]

  • Lisa Bettany. Canada’s Sexy Geek Blog » Blog Archive » Plastic Grapes.
    June 22, 2008 at 11:57 PM

    […] Montana the Koala Bear helped me find these glowing gems outside the Thrift Shop. He says, “They’re perfect for all occasions and they’ll last forever.” He also warns us that they are not to be eaten and are definitely hazardous to small children, pets, or humans who are fooled by their likeness to real grapes. According to Montana, this happens quite frequently. Why just the other day, a woman, a small child and a small dog, all tried to eat one of the plastic grapes at the same time. Fortunately for them, Montana is trained in first aid. […]