Life Photography

i heart Mother Earth

Presenting a new Photography Series:
i heart Mother Earth.

We live in a beautiful world. And I am fortunate to live in a very beautiful city. Vancouver is surrounded by my favourite things: trees, mountains, wild life, beaches, and water. Simply put: i heart Mother Earth.


Breathtaking, isn’t it?

I know what you’re thinking. Where’s the sarcasm? The catch? This can’t just be a post about trees and earth and loving sand! It just wouldn’t be mostly me, now would it?


That’s more like it!

And now I make a short, passionate speech:

Our main lady Gaia is being put in an horrible position — between a rock and big pile o’ nuclear waste. And it makes me sad and angry and frustrated. It may be inconvenient, but it’s definitely true: We’re running out of time.


PS. It rains a lot in Vancouver.


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  • verytasteful
    February 27, 2007 at 2:42 AM

    I can’t wait to see what Klein does next.

  • ggwfung
    February 27, 2007 at 3:29 AM

    Canada must be one of the most sublime places on the planet. It seems to represent a blend of the best in the human spirit; art, endevour, the land. Plus it’s the homeland of Glenn Gould.


  • verytasteful
    February 27, 2007 at 4:02 AM


    But seriously, Klein better not leave me hanging.

  • MM
    February 27, 2007 at 11:10 AM

    Hello again
    It’s been so sad since the Blogspot switch, I miss the ever changing colorful headers:(
    Just wanted to drop in and say how fab the pics are. I’ve never been to Vancouver, but it looks marvy from the pictures, even though the obvious warning of sewage. BOO SEWAGE!!!
    ps. did you hear about the EU only doing their part to decrease CO2 emmisions ONLY if the big bad capitalists in the United States do the same????
    How harsh is that?
    pps. I can’t find BNTM on my sad basic cable!!! I’m missing it like a billio… don’t ask.

  • MM
    February 27, 2007 at 2:01 PM

    ppps. Theres no way I was the only fan! no way! (imagine double underline). And thanks for the BNTM tip.

  • Susan
    February 27, 2007 at 3:58 PM

    Ergh. And I LOVE Vancouver. It’s so gorgeous there! (until, maybe you get too close?!)

  • seb
    February 28, 2007 at 10:10 AM

    Gorgeous vistas… too bad about the waste, that’s sad.

  • J.O.
    February 28, 2007 at 11:21 PM

    That’s an emergency sewage outfall… Because parts of Vancouver have one sewer pipe that combines poop from your toilet and stormwater from street drains etc, when there’s heavy rain, the pipes fill up, and the sewage treatment plant can’t handle the extra. So, to avoid having raw sewage back up through your toilet and into your house, we bypass the sewage treatment plant and pipe it out into the ocean.

    Yuck, I know, but to excavate every street in Point Grey, add a dedicated poop pipe seperate from the stormwater pipe, bury it all and re-surface the roads would be pretty expensive. If they won’t put skytrain in, they’re not going to do this!

    Uplands in Victoria has the same problem with combined sewers.

    In fact every sewage system built before the seventies does too…

    That’s your lesson on municipal infrastructure, the test will be on Friday.

  • mostlyme
    March 1, 2007 at 2:29 PM

    But I can’t study because my dog ate my homework and we have to take him to the vet because he’s sick from eating all that paper and my Aunt Suzie is coming for a visit and she has a cat called Whispers. He is grey and white with two green eyes.

    Soooooo can I take the test NEXT week?

  • Chapter One: i heart Trees « they mostly come out at night… mostly
    March 6, 2007 at 12:33 PM

    […] March 6th, 2007 i heart Mother Earth , Photography Today I am adding a new chapter to my i heart Mother Earth Photography Series called: i heart […]